Thursday, November 15, 2012

Sandy victim to Obama: Where have you been?

From the Washington Examiner:
President Obama, touring parts of New York City slammed by Hurricane Sandy, was chided by a girl for ignoring the disaster.

As the president waded through a supply center, a girl who was waiting for goods told a reporter, "We need help - he should of been here a long time ago," according to the White House pool report.

Obama has received little criticism for the federal government's handling of the disaster which is still crippling areas of New York where many families remain homeless or without power..

The girl said her house was on the beach but... they can't live in it. They're living [with] family.

She said of the president:

"We need help - he should of been here a long time ago."

A young hispanic man who just met the president said he "lost everything; I lost my job."

"Thanks so much," he said he wanted to say to the president.

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