Friday, October 3, 2008

Obama Implements His Plan for "Voluntary Community Service"

Barack Obama hasn't even won the election yet and already he has implemented his plan for "Universal Voluntary Community Service" here in the US.

Apparently, "Rock" legend, Bruce Springsteen has agreed to conduct a free acoustic show on Saturday at an Obama rally in Philadelphia. But here's the catch:

In order to win a chance to meet the "The Boss" personally and introduce him to the crowd, you are required to "do four hours of volunteer work by 10 p.m. today at one of the Obama campaign offices listed on Obama's website. One volunteer will be chosen to meet 'The Boss' himself".

Now, say what you will, but that's what I call "Voluntary Community Service"! And it just goes to show you that Barack Obama is a man of his word!

And who knows? Maybe one day you and I, and every US citizen will have the opportunity to do community service for Barack Obama and win a chance to meet both the new President and the "Boss", up close, as you've never seen them before! Just a few months of community service and your wildest dreams might actually come true!

Now, I got to be up front with you: I was always under the impression that community service is something you do after you've been charged with a crime in order to avoid jail time. But apparently, that's not the case anymore.

From now on, whether you've been charged with a crime or not, you can still do community service and volunteer to serve your new Commander in Chief! Call it Barack Obama's"redistribution" plan. After all, why should potential jail-birds be required to do all that community service by themselves when we could all share the burden? As Senator Joe Biden is fond of saying: "It's called being "Fair" and "Patriotic"!"

Tell me something! Is this not a great country or not??!!